Sunday, May 10, 2009


Everything is now at our fingertips. If we can't find it on our phone, our computers are just feet away loaded with everything we might ever need to know.

Of course technology is going to make advances for us and make life easier, but is this really what we want? A world where instant gratification is the only way we will be satisfied?

I am all for technology and how it enhances my life. I like having the ability to text Google and get an answer right away. But are we becoming too dependent on our iPhones and Blackberries?

With applications for everything imaginable, it seems like our handhelds are becoming our lives.
I bet a lot of people didn't know that the Guinness Book of World Records has a texting record. Yep, a texting record. Check out the story here. It's amazing to see how people are using all the technologies we are coming up with and it will be interesting to see how we develop with technology over time.

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