Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rift Fournier...

With so much experience, it is hard to listen to Rift and not be in awe of what he has accomplished.

Jill was right when she said Rift was a great motivational speaker. Although he sat with a piece of paper filled with topics Jill thought he ought to talk about, he spoke freely and openly to us.

Of the numerous topics that filled Rift's discussion, he seemed to place a lot of emphasis on the word passion. "Do something you are passionate about," he told us with conviction in his voice. Although he jokes and is very laid back, Rift was adamant about that statement.

The mention of passion and Rift's comment about the inevitability of changing majors got me to thinking. Am I really happy with the path I've chosen in school? I am ready to take on some form of the communications world when I graduate? Do I have passion?

I found the answer while I listened to Rift speak about his experiences in the writing world. He was persistent. So much so that his first writing job was a yield by a man who just wanted to be left alone. Rift's somewhat obnoxious, but memorable behaviors were his lead into the world of writing.

I would like to think that if I wanted something bad enough I would find a way to make it happen. I would also like to think that is passion.

As Rift continued talking about all the things he'd done I could hear the fondness in his voice. I can hear the same tone (maybe a little more excitement) in my own voice when I talk about the things i've learned while pursuing a degree in communications. I feel the same way about what I want to do as Rift proclaimed to have felt about writing. Would I send forget-me-not's to a potential employer? Possibly (that's pretty catchy, Rift!), but it's more than just a simple gesture. It made him stand out. It showed his passion.

If I took anything away from Mr. Fournier's talk on Wednesday, it is the knowledge that I know iIm in the right place doing what I KNOW I want to do.

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