Sunday, May 10, 2009

Let's get political.

I don't think there is a better person to mention when talking about technologies and social media than President Obama.

The race for The White House was a full on social media explosion. During the race, not only did Obama have an active Twitter page, but he also had a Facebook page, his own website, and an iPhone application. That's right folks, an iPhone application for his race to The White House.

For the first time in history, a presidential candidate used the internet like never before. Currently, Obama has 1,131,273 followers on Twitter, and 6,265,520 people are supporters of his page on Facebook.

The use of social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter really allowed Obama to make a connection with Generation Y. We use these medias everyday, so we are more likely to pay attention to Obama's Facebook page than we are a televised speech.

Sure, it helped Obama get into The White House, but once there the networking has not stopped. Obama is the only president in history to be allowed a Blackberry. It looks like his emailing addiction won't be cut short by an intervention anytime soon.

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