Tuesday, April 7, 2009

generation diva..

I've seen the shows. The ones where the mothers teach their five year old daughters that big hair, a spray on tan, and a cheesy smile will win the hearts of the judges everytime. So, it's not hard for me to believe that the girls who grow up listening to this and even the young girls that watch these shows see that making adjustments to your physical appearance will help you win the hearts of those around you.

When I was eight, I don't even think I knew what mascara was. I'm twenty now and i'm lucky if I get out of the house in the morning with moisturizer on. Sure, i'll get an occasional pedicure or manicure, but no way do I spend $50 on a haircut. I find this article unbelievable, but at the same time I don't know how I didn't see this coming.

I first find it unbelievable that a parent is going to say alright to their 13 year old daughter getting highlights that cost $150 or starting a weekly pedicure habit that is sure to put a dent in daddy's wallet. Who are these parents that are paying to support their tweens outrageously expensive beauty habits?

Then I give myself one of those "oh, duh" nudges and think that this was bound to happen. There is so much in the media that is focused on targeting the 13 - 19 age group that I wondered how I missed it. Every magazine you look at or television show you watch has some gorgeous face all over it, a face touched up to perfection.

Its unavoidable. And what's scarier is that it's becoming more attainable.

The article talks about Dr. Alan Gold, President of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, who says that 14% of Botox users are in the age range of 19 - 34. Seriously? Do people even have enough wrinkles at 34 to justify Botox or do they just like not having the ability to make facial expressions?

We see how the media is affecting young girls, but is there anyway to put a stop to it? Dove is doing the best they can with their 'campaign for real beauty'.

Take a look at a few of the videos put out by dove:

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