Thursday, February 5, 2009

Well You Can Say What You Want...

I’m all for the idea that one can express their opinions and feelings without being persecuted for it. I’m down with hearing what others have to say and I’m glad that I don’t have to agree “OR ELSE.” Freedoms of the press and all included in the first amendment were wonderful ideas. Not being jailed, or worse, killed because of your religious beliefs is pretty excellent. Way to go America!

The first amendment gave Americans something else that not many others had at the time and that was a freedom to do or say as they wished to a certain extent. I think the idea of this was great. Freedom of the press, meaning the freedom to criticize the government when it is not fulfilling its duties without being punished is exceptional.

Where is that same freedom today? I am positive it still exists; the Bill of Rights is still intact, yeah? That’s surprising because it seems all the stories coming from Washington are put together in a way that only shows the good side.
Where were the stories that went inside and dug out the truth? I thought that newspapers were to inform us and to ‘expose’ the truth. It seems that the press is not so free as much as it is fed now a days.

I can’t entirely down the freedom of the press idea because when carried out correctly can very noble and an excellent way to inform. We are lucky that we have the ability to print, within reason, what we want to on the front page of a newspaper and all following pages for that matter. I believe it would be more beneficial to the United States citizens to keep practicing the expression of ourselves through the first amendment and ignore the suppressors out there.

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