Thursday, January 29, 2009

PASSION is a very definite seven letter word. For someone so indecisive, it becomes a scary word. 

There are lots of things I like. I enjoy music, movies, food, good television, bad television, books, the white house, rain, and oranges. However, I would not stretch so far as to say I am passionate about any of those things. I am not saying that when I am involved with said things, I do not have passion. I am just not passionate about one thing in particular. 

That being said, I suppose I should introduce myself. 

I'm Jessica. I am a junior at Lindenwood University, majoring in Mass Communication with a concentration in public relations. I live in University City with three of the best people on this planet. (That might be somewhat biased ... especially considering I do not know everyone on the planet.) I spent a good chunk of my childhood growing up in Surrey, England. I'm pretty keen on live music and trivia and I like to tie dye. 

Currently my favorite YouTube video is "Hey Jude."

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